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Garlic one of the Alkaline Food which helps in Controlling Blood Pressure

November 7, 2011

Many people with illnesses such as high blood pressure are loathe to be put on medication for a number of reasons. The main one, however, is that many feel that artificial drugs interfere with the immune system. As a result, it is becoming more and more popular for patients to look for more naturalistic ways of treating their disease. One way that a number of patients have gravitated towards is using garlic or garlic supplements to lower their blood pressure.

Garlic is considered by many to be a miracle herb. It is one of the most popular cooking spices in the world. In addition, throughout history it has been used by many cultures to treat a variety of diseases. In modern times, various concoctions of it has been used to treat diseases as serious as cancer to as trivial as colds. For hypertension, most nutritionists recommend that you take one clove of garlic a day.

When used for medicinal purposes, it is usually best to eat it raw. Cooking it at too high of a temperature destroys the enzymes and many of the nutrients. However, if you slow cook it at below 110 degrees Fahrenheit, you will preserve the enzymes and most of the vitamins and minerals. For those bothered by the harsh taste of raw garlic, cooking it this way will also moderate its intense flavor.

Those who enjoy the full flavor of garlic, however, can eat the peeled clove raw. Alternatively, they can crush it with a garlic press, mix it in a liquid such as water, and drink the concoction. And, those with a culinary flair can crush the garlic and spread it on toast or eat it with other foods.

Some people, however, even those who like it, don’t want to eat garlic because it does seep through your pores when you sweat and can cause you to give off an odor. For these people, garlic pills may be a good solution as they have also been proven to be effective in treating hypertension.

Hypertension is nothing to toy around with. If you are thinking of using alternative means of lowering your blood pressure, talk to your doctor first. This way he can advise against certain treatments that may interfere with the treatments that he already has you on. And, secondly, if he approves of your treatments, he can monitor your progress to see if they are actually effective or not.

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